مركز شاهد لحقوق المواطن والتنمية المجتمعية

Witness Center for Citizen Rights and community development

معلومات الاتصال

البريد الإلكتروني


محافظة نابلس


رفيديا - الفاروق -

مدير المنظمة الأهلية

كايد ميعاري



سنة التأسيس


مجال عمل المنظمة

حول المنظمة

حول المنظمة

Witness Center for Citizen Rights and Community Development” Shahid” has devoted his goals and visions during the recent meetings of its general assembly to line with the fifth, tenth and eleventh goals of the sustainable development goals calling for achieving gender equality and reduce the inequality within society or between societies. In addition to enhancing the inclusiveness of cities and their response to the needs of different groups, especially marginalized groups such as refugees, women and people with disabilities.

رؤية المنظمة

The center’s vision is to create a Palestinian society that believes in human rights values and provides an environment that embraces the rights of marginalized groups, especially women, youth and people with disabilities.


The Center has set for itself a set of goals that it aims to achieve during the next five years, namely: - Strengthening the role of the Palestinian media in disseminating the principles of human rights and gender equality and adopting a media discourse that reflects the needs and aspirations of marginalized societies. - Incorporating marginalized groups, especially youth, women and people with disabilities, into decision-making and planning centers at the level of local and national policy bodies - Enhancing the position of youth in their local communities through developing their leadership and knowledge capabilities and supporting their initiatives aimed to create positive societal change in their local communities.